Helping Humans Organize & Market Books

Instantly generate personalized TikTok scripts, Facebook ads, excerpts, and story bibles with our cutting-edge AI.

Instant Book Marketing

Turn your books into captivating social media content that resonates with readers on TikTok, Instagram, and beyond.

Instant Series Organization

Upload your books for instant organization and create the ultimate series bible effortlessly.

Instant Answers

Get immediate, insightful answers to all your series-related questions with Realm Chef’s AI expertise.

Customers 🧡 Realm Chef

We listen to our community and build on the feedback we receive — that’s why our customers have such amazing and kind words for Realm Chef.

“Realm Chef is a game changer! This is the AI application a lot of people who don't want AI to write for them have been waiting for.”

Elizabeth Ann West
Future Fiction Academy

“I was helping a published author compile their series bible last year. Getting through the first two books and prequel short story cost them several thousand dollars to pay for the information curation...

And now there's Realm Chef!”

Karistina Lafae

"I still am in awe of the quality of CHAT that Realm Chef puts out. Have not found anything close to that. It truly is like conversing with another writer."

Ingrid Edisen

“When I see Chef, I just want to boop him on the nose. ”

Zoey Indiana
USA Today Bestselling Romance Author

“Chef is that writing friend we all wish we had: a partner who is already deeply knowledgeable about my books and yet is never, EVER tired of talking about them."

R.A. Nelson
Author, Editor

"Realm Chef excels at generating captivating loglines, synopses, and themes for books. It impressively identifies keywords and extracts detailed information like characters' eye colors, physical descriptors, mentioned locations, and original terms. Organizing this data into cards offers immense potential for enhancing the writing process."

Matthew Johnson
COO of Zory: Romance Books You Play

“Realm Chef is a game changer! This is the AI application a lot of people who don't want AI to write for them have been waiting for.”

Elizabeth Ann West
Future Fiction Academy

“I was helping a published author compile their series bible last year. Getting through the first two books and prequel short story cost them several thousand dollars to pay for the information curation...

And now there's Realm Chef!”

Karistina Lafae

"I still am in awe of the quality of CHAT that Realm Chef puts out. Have not found anything close to that. It truly is like conversing with another writer."

Ingrid Edisen

“Realm Chef is a game changer! This is the AI application a lot of people who don't want AI to write for them have been waiting for.”

Elizabeth Ann West
Future Fiction Academy

“I was helping a published author compile their series bible last year. Getting through the first two books and prequel short story cost them several thousand dollars to pay for the information curation...

And now there's Realm Chef!”

Karistina Lafae

"I still am in awe of the quality of CHAT that Realm Chef puts out. Have not found anything close to that. It truly is like conversing with another writer."

Ingrid Edisen

“When I see Chef, I just want to boop him on the nose. ”

Zoey Indiana
USA Today Bestselling Romance Author

“Chef is that writing friend we all wish we had: a partner who is already deeply knowledgeable about my books and yet is never, EVER tired of talking about them."

R.A. Nelson
Author, Editor

"Realm Chef excels at generating captivating loglines, synopses, and themes for books. It impressively identifies keywords and extracts detailed information like characters' eye colors, physical descriptors, mentioned locations, and original terms. Organizing this data into cards offers immense potential for enhancing the writing process."

Matthew Johnson
COO of Zory: Romance Books You Play

“When I see Chef, I just want to boop him on the nose. ”

Zoey Indiana
USA Today Bestselling Romance Author

“Chef is that writing friend we all wish we had: a partner who is already deeply knowledgeable about my books and yet is never, EVER tired of talking about them."

R.A. Nelson
Author, Editor

"Realm Chef excels at generating captivating loglines, synopses, and themes for books. It impressively identifies keywords and extracts detailed information like characters' eye colors, physical descriptors, mentioned locations, and original terms. Organizing this data into cards offers immense potential for enhancing the writing process."

Matthew Johnson
COO of Zory: Romance Books You Play


Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel anytime.
Perfect for authors focusing on one book at a time.
$15 /month
Manage 1 book
One story bible included
Add extra book storage and story bible for $10/book
Realm Chef Chat and Marketing Content Generation tools included
Designed for authors juggling several books or series simultaneously.
$50 /month
Manage up to 5 books
5 story bibles included
Add extra book storage and story bible for $5/book
Realm Chef Chat and Marketing Content Generation tools included
For authors and publishing companies with extensive series management or book publishing needs.
$200 /month
Manage up to 30 books
Unlimited Story Bibles
Realm Chef Chat and Marketing Content Generation tools included


What counts as a 'book' on Realm Chef?


A 'book' refers to any single uploaded narrative or text. This means your novel, your collection of poems, or your novella all count as one 'book'.

Can I combine story bibles for a series?


Each book currently has its own dedicated story bible. We're exploring ways to connect these for series management and will update you on future capabilities.

Do unused story bibles roll over to the next month?


Story bibles are allocated monthly and do not roll over. We encourage you to plan your usage to get the most out of your subscription, but if you find you're consistently not using your full allocation, let's chat about how we can better meet your needs.

What about discounts on add-ons?


Add-on pricing varies depending on your chosen plan. For the Single Book Plan, each additional book and corresponding Story Bible is priced at $10 each. For the Multiple Book Plan, add-ons discounted at $5 each. We aim to provide the best value based on your specific needs and are open to discussing package deals or discounts for high-volume authors and publishers. Stay tuned for potential future discounts or package deals!

What happens to my work when I upload it to Realm Chef?


Your work remains exclusively yours. When you upload to Realm Chef, it’s used solely to enhance your individual storytelling experience. We do not use, share, or incorporate your content into our database, without explicit permission. Your control over your creations is paramount to us.

Will I be compensated if Realm Chef's AI uses my uploaded content for any purposes?


Your uploaded content is not used for any commercial purpose by Realm Chef. We value your trust and ensure that our AI serves as a supportive companion, rather than a commercial entity. Realm Chef remains solely a tool for enhancing your individual experience. Your creative outputs and intellectual property will always belong to you, and you alone.

Does Realm Chef handle NSFW content?


So far, Chef has been working well for NSFW content. It's worth trying and seeing what your results are, and sharing feedback! We are actively iterating, empowering Chef to provide the best possible support to all kinds of writing, so it is super helpful to learn how Chef works for you and any problems or blocks you run into. Our app is powered by a mix of AI models, including Open AI's GPT-4 Turbo, as well as open source, unfiltered options for NSFW writers.